Lab Team

  • Michael Dorrity

    Group Leader

    Wondering how temperature is sensed in different cell types. Wandering the forest looking for pfifferling.

  • Mantha Lamprousi

    PhD Student

    Investigating disruption of proteostasis during zebrafish development using CRISPR and sci-RNA-seq. Spends free time salsa dancing, baking and hiking.

  • Jess Bourn

    PhD Student

    Using mutational screens to study how transcription factor stability affects development in zebrafish. If you can't find her at work, she is either at gymnastics training or lying outside in the sun.

  • Gaurav Vaidya

    PhD Student (joint with Vu lab)

    Planarian wrangler trying to understand the mechanism of temperature-dependent reproductive switching using scRNAseq. Apart from science, likes football, gaming and is a coffee head.

  • Sophie Kneeshaw

    Lab Officer

    Method development in single-cell genomics, keeper of many fishes. Combinatorial indexer.

  • Vesta Petrasiunaite

    PhD Student

    Single cell chromatin accessibility profiling to understand developmental robustness, responsible for the art that goes onto the lab door. Avid birder, language learner and hiker.

  • Eric Laudemann

    Master’s Student

    Reconstructing cell trajectories by day, reconstructing games by night. Biking around the countryside inbetween.

  • Cem Seyda

    Research Intern

    Performing cloning and microinjections using for transgenesis to study temperature-sensing pathways in zebrafish development.

  • Eila

    Source of infinite energy. Obsessed with fetch.

  • You

    Drop us a line!

Previous Lab Members

Marie Becker